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“Not My Life” Documentary Screened at PI

Posted on 11/4/2014


UNICEF’s “End Trafficking” fact sheet states that, “human trafficking has been likened to modern-day slavery that subjects children, women, and men to force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor.

This horrific practice can include prostitution, pornography, and sex tourism as well as labor for domestic service, factory or construction work, and migrant farming.”

Indeed, this is the fact no once can stay unconcerned. As Pearl Institute (formerly known as Anatolia Cultural and Dialogue Centre) we organized one another documentary screening to raise awareness in the society. We desired to give a hand those in trouble by screening their difficulties and look for solutions in an open-discussion panel.

The film begun with voices speaking over a black screen, as the words “human trafficking is slavery” appear. One voice states, “I don’t use the word ‘inhuman,’ because it’s humans that do this stuff,” and another tells us that this is a “global pandemic.” Those two phrases capture the essence of the documentary, which highlights ways in which people exploit other people through labor and sex trafficking both domestically and internationally.

After the film Mr. Matthew Friedman –Please click here to learn more about Mr. Frienman– gave a short talk on human trafficking and answered the questions.  We have learned both from documentary and Mr. Friedman the psyche of the victims as they rehabilitate, the mentality of the traffickers, the cycle of violence and the hopelessness it sometimes perpetuates, and the ways in which law enforcement and the public are combating these crimes.

It is quite sad that one similar fact happened in Hong Kong at the same night we organized this screening. We are condemning those ‘inhumane’ acts no matter its kind and no matter to whom.  We believe our Hong Kong society has enough power to overcome all these violence acts done by individuals to the innocent people living among us.

You can find more information about the brutal fact in the link below;

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